The one with the sideboards

It’s that time of year when we think about entertaining, all of our pretty serving pieces and such, and where do you store all of that stuff? So I thought I would post some pictures of a few great sideboards and storage pieces to peruse.

Above is one of my all time favorite pieces. It’s redwood, antique, handmade for someone’s garage. I had the base put on the bottom, waxed it up, fixed the drawers and now it’s such a beautiful thing. It’s got so much soul, the wood is so warm and worn and beautiful. Update Jan 2008 sold.
This is a magnificent antique store counter I’ve had my eye on for quite a while. It now sits in the shop in all of it’s well used glory. Redwood, again, with original paint. Mid 1800’s. The drawers measure five feet wide, two feet deep, and almost 10″ high. Can you imagine what you could fit in that? It would make an excellent kitchen island. Update – sold
Not a sideboard, but a fabulous antique french desk I bought from Blossom Home, in Los Gatos. See her blog at It was child sized when I got it, and the wood was in very bad shape. A bit of time with my wood master, and look how pretty! It opens up and has a ton of room to hide just about anything. The weathered greyish pine color is one of my favorite things. Yes, that’s a christmas tree peeking nearby. I couldn’t help myself, I’ve got the music going too.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you have a glorious day, enjoy the beautiful weather and be ever so grateful.

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