1. Free yourself. Unless you are living with your parents or grandparents you are under no obligation to live with their furniture and belongings. As much as I love old things, if they do not work in your home and you do not love them you should not be living with them. Your memories are much more than an object. This also applies to that ugly painting that your aunt was so kind to commission for you and wedding presents or other gifts you did not ask for and can’t return. Be ruthless but apologetic, if someone asks where that item is you must insist they take it back or let you find a new home for it, but do not let them guilt you into keeping it. I’m betting you have at least one of these things that could go away and make you so happy.
2. Work with the home you have. If it has strong features, it’s best to go with it. Hopefully those features drew you to that house or you would not live there. If you have a stark modern home with a space age kitchen don’t try to make it shabby chic. If you have a farmhouse and keep unsuccessfully forcing your African and oriental art into it, let it go. Older homes are a bit more forgiving to different styles, and definitely my favorite to decorate. I am all for eclectic but take a long hard look at your home and each piece in it.
3. Pick your battles. If you’re a couple, try not to bicker in front of your designer. I want to know what your likes and dislikes are, but making me choose who wins each battle is unfair. Make a list, talk it over and decide what is important to you and where you can compromise.
4. You live there, your home should be comfortable for you and yours, and it should make you happy. Do what you need to do to make that happen, whether having a no-nonsense friend come over, hiring an interior designer to help, etc. Know what you need and where you need it. Unless your home is going to be photographed for a magazine, don’t worry about how it looks if it works for you.
5. Fill your home with friends, family, laughter and love (I think you knew that one already)
Please let me know if this helps, or if you have any tips on how to live 🙂
I love your advice on not worrying about how your house looks. With three kids and a dog, the house is never as clean or stylish as I would like. However, dinners are cooked, homework gets done and games are played by our happy and contented family. That works for us!